LEH - Humanities for Humans
Production Studio Launch Media
Executive Producer John Jackson
Director Wes Kennison
Producer Deirdre Peterson
Concept/Copy/Camera Wes Kennison
Sara Wasserman Sara Wasserman
Wes Kennison Wes Kennison
Graphic Design Matt Dawson
Motion Design/Compositing Ryan Golden
Narrated by Elizabeth Hutchison, Christopher Robert (LEH), and Shantrell Austin (LEH)
Like most non profits who offer a wide range of services, the LEH needed some help in determining what aspect of their service offering they wanted to focus on. The challenge was to condense the somewhat esoteric subject of "The Humanities" into a tidy little package that gave viewers a sense of the broad scope of what the LEH offers Louisiana residents, while also conveying the true relevance of "The Humanities" to all of us who live here.
Learn more about the the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities at leh.org/
Project Photos